
Friday, October 15, 2010

Brother Filiatreault's Missionary Experience

I had a pleasant experience joining the missionaries with an investigator last Friday after work. The investigator is an international student from India and he showed an awesome eagerness to learn about the Gospel. He reminded me of myself when I came to Gallaudet University in 2005 from Canada, and how wonderful it was to learn the truths taught by the missionaries.

It is always a nice feeling when you see someone genuinely interested in learning more. It helps you remember the joys of the Gospel, brings back memories of your conversion process, and the powerful feelings of love from your Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, as you go through a spiritual transformation and move closer to Them.

I'm ever so grateful for Prophet Joseph Smith, who endured much persecution and many obstacles, and yet accomplished mighty miracles. One such miracle was restoring Christ's true church to the Earth, and by doing so, restoring the Priesthood so we may perform blessings and ordinances with full authority from God, and also build and dedicate Temples to redeem our ancestors and be sealed to our families for all time and eternity.

And, of course, none of this would be possible without God's Plan of Salvation for all of us, which includes Christ's Atonement and Resurrection. I'm ever so grateful for that as well.

I testify that if ye seek the truth, ye shall find it in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and that ye shall know this by a warm, burning feeling in your heart, which cannot be denied nor mistaken for something else. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
